Devin and Owen

Devin and Owen

Friday, December 18, 2015


Good Evening All,
I'm sorry it has been a while between updates but things (thank God) have been quiet around here. Devin continues to heal but it is a slow process. Last week was a lot of fun. Her wonderful co-workers at Good Shepherd Rehab threw her a surprise puppy party!!! What is a puppy party your ask? They told us to go to a certain house and when we got there there were 20 or so of her co-workers and 25 puppies!! They were between the ages of 5 and 7 weeks from 3 different litters. The house belonged to a wonderful woman named Ann who fosters the puppies for a shelter called Mostly Muttz. They were just adorable and anyone who knows Devin knows she just LOVES dogs!! As you can see she had a wonderful time!

Of course that was followed by "Max needs a sister" so Owen and Devin will become the proud parents of a puppy on December 30th. What a great way to see in 2016!.

Wednesday we went in to Upenn to meet with Erin the oncology nurse practitioner. She was pleased with Devin's progress although she said it will take time and Devin needs to be patient. She gave us some new prescriptions along with a referral for a physical therapist at Lehigh Valley that specializes in lymphedema. She will work on the pain, stiffness and swelling in Devin's jaw as well as the continuing pain and weakness in her shoulder caused by some damage to one of the nerves in her neck. We see the PT on January 4th and back to Erin on the 6th.

Thank you all for your encouragement, the many cards and gifts and for keeping her in your prayers. Knowing you are all rooting for her really helps. If you would like to donate to help Devin with her medical expenses here is a link to her Go Fund Me site.

Wishing you all a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!! May 2016 be a better year!!
