Devin and Owen

Devin and Owen

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Update - Febraury 19, 2017

Hi Everyone!
As usual I know it has been quite a while since my last blog post, but that just seems to be how things are happening in this phase of my recovery. Appointments are further apart and less frequent, and my progress is slower, but still significant in our eyes. After the holidays my focus continued to be on physical and speech therapy in order to get me work ready. Unfortunately my PT visits ran low so I went on hold at the end of January to ensure that I had a few visits available to address new issues related to returning to work. Despite the early end, my body improved in all areas, my endurance is the best it has been since before my diagnosis, my shoulder range of motion and stability is significantly improved (although it still has a way to go to be defined as normal), and the radiation fibrosis in my neck causing my muscles to be hard and stiff has begun to relent with lots of massage and stretching. My speech has improved immensely as well and I went on hold with my therapist about two weeks ago. My articulation, breath and saliva management, voice inflections, and endurance of speech is far beyond what it was when I began working with Becky in the fall. She gave me my before and after recordings and the difference was wonderful to hear, especially since my progress is so slow and subtle these days, it made me feel as though all of my hard work was and continues to be well worth the time. Now my progress will depend on my own commitment to the tools I have been given by both of my amazing therapists which I know will be a challenge, especially as my daily life becomes more "normal."
I have also continued to follow up with my pain management team in an attempt to find long term solutions that would allow me to return to work and activities I enjoy. I'm happy to say that my current regimen of medicine and therapeutic exercise/stretch/massage has been more successful than any other we have tried. It's far from perfect, but the trial and error process will continue as my needs change.
Earlier this month I had a follow up with my plastic surgeon Dr. Cannady. Overall it was the most positive appointment in terms of my progress, with him telling me that many of his patients have more tongue volume and mobility than I do, however their diets are much more limited and speech is far less intelligible than mine are. He and mom both say this is a testament to how hard I have worked, and that may be true in part, but I say it is also a testament to the amazing team I have had in my corner, from the most skilled doctors and therapists who gave me all I needed to succeed, to the most supportive family and friends who never let me quit, and still don't :). On the down side, I also had to have a new spot on my tongue checked out that frightened us a bit. He believes I had a salivary duct blockage that caused a small pocket of infection. I will see him again this week to check it out. If it isn't healing appropriately, it is possible that I will have to have a biopsy just to be extra cautious that nothing nasty is going on in there. So please please please send extra prayers this week that all is okay and we can keep moving on in a positive way.
Last but not least, I have some very big and wonderful news! Tomorrow marks my very first day back to work at Good Shepherd since July 27th, 2015! I will be per diem to start, giving me access to flexibility around my appointments and fulfilling my need for shorter shifts until my endurance builds. I am anxious about the unknown, how my body will handle it, how my pain will respond, and how I will figure out where I want my career to go from here. But I have to trust that all of this has happened for a reason and that this step is how I will start to figure that out. So keep the prayers and positive vibes coming my way this week and thank you all for caring so much about my journey. I know it has probably been a tough one to hear about at times, but I appreciate that you all continued to listen and believe I could overcome this mess.
Much Love and Thanks,
Devin :)


  1. lost my so Proud of u Devin. You greatly inspire me to carry on with my tx. yehhh going back to work...awesome...i also pray pray pray your tongue good.i am with u in spirit GF...we need to party at the Gs someday....Great Job...your an inspiration

  2. Devin, you are such an inspiration to everyone who may be dealing with a serious illness. I admire the way you have persevered through this long ongoing journey. May God bless you and keep you through your healing. Many prayers and love to you and your family. ����������❤❤
