Devin and Owen

Devin and Owen

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Update 10/7/15

Good Morning All,

Well week one of radiation is behind us! Devin is feeling good so far. Side effects have been minimal at this point. The worst this week was the dry mouth and she is tired. I'm not sure how much of the tired feeling is the treatments and how much is the late nights.

Driving was a bit rough last week as all her appointments were at night. With the traffic caused by rush hour and the heavy rain we had last week, complicated by the hospital playing "catch-up" from the Pope's visit everything was running way behind schedule. And added complication was Devin's mask was to big as the swelling in her face and gone down more since it was made. So a new mask had to be made Thursday night. All of this combined for some very late nights. We were getting home about 9:30 so by the time you unwind it was late to bed for all. Thank you Carol for driving on a night run!

On the up side Dr. Lin did allow the treatments to proceed while the new mask was made and yesterday started week 2 so her appointments are all around noon time for the next 5 weeks which helps greatly with the traffic! It was nice driving in yesterday! All was running on time and since Tuesday is "Doctor Day" we saw Dr. Lin and met the nutritionist. The team is very pleased so far and the new mask is ready and they will start using it today which will speed things along. The down side of yesterday? We came out to get the car to discover that we had a flat tire! On the up side the valets were very helpful, AAA got to us in about 15 minutes and there was a tire store a few blocks away. Even better was that Siobhan came to Firestone and waited with us so we got to have a great visit while we waited!

Thank you again to all the drivers who have volunteered to help out with the driving. Your help is much appreciated. We have only 6 more days to fill and all her treatments will have drivers! If you are at all interested in or able to help with transportation to and from Philly, please PM, call or email  Devin or me :) !

 If you would like to donate to help Devin with her medical expenses here is a link to her Go Fund Me site.  Enjoy your weekend and keep those prayers coming!

Thanks again for all the help and prayers.



  1. Such a long journey of recovery! I had a dream last night that I won the mega lottery(whatever that is), so I called Devin to let her know that:
    I bought a cute lil antique shop in Philly that had a great spacious apartment attached. Also bought a 1/2 size limo which looked more like an SUV but also like an old VW bug (you had to see it like I saw it-it was super!) So the limo driver was also a fantastic singer and stand up comic, which made the drives to and from Philly really entertaining! The antique store sold antiques(duh), but also lots of fun, quirky items, and all the proceeds paid 100% of the medical bills! The apt was spacious enough for six, and had an adorable fireplace, which had gorgeous amethyst inlaid all around for healing energies! Now, to make such a dream come true... It was a positive dream though, and I take it to mean that positive things are coming in greater quantity for you Devin! Love and hugs!

  2. Keep on so inspired by your helps me during my u devin....if i wasent in school i would be a driver....but its too rough right now for u

  3. Keep on so inspired by your helps me during my u devin....if i wasent in school i would be a driver....but its too rough right now for u
